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Barrowing Traps
Please click each box after reading to state that you understand and agree.
I will be required to receive training on use of trapping equipment either in-person from the Program Coordinator or volunteer, or by watching an online video before I will be allowed to borrow traps.
A cash or check deposit of $20.00 per trap borrowed is required. All deposit funds will be returned to me when the traps are returned on-time and in good condition. (The deposit fee may be reduced or waived at the discretion of the Program Coordinator.)
The value of each trap is $75. If traps are not returned, I will be invoiced for an additional cost of $55 per trap.
I must return all traps within three calendar days of the scheduled spay/neuter appointment. Any extension must be approved by the Program Coordinator before the last day due for return.
I must notify the Program Coordinator when I will be picking up or dropping off traps.
I am responsible for cleaning and rinsing all traps borrowed before I return them.
I am responsible for notifying the Program Coordinator of any trap damage or malfunction immediately after discovery in order to avoid being held responsible for the damage.
How many traps do you estimate you will need? (Maximum 3 per episode unless arranged with the Program Coordinator, based on appointment availability.)
Using Traps
Please click each box after reading to state that you understand and agree.
I understand that borrowing a trap does NOT mean that I have an appointment through TSNIP. All appointments must be made by the TSNIP coordinator. If I am making my own appointment it must be arranged prior to trapping & using the appropriate language: "I need to make an appointment to get a cat spayed/neutered that I can not touch. The cat will be delivered in trap."
TSNIP traps are for TNR purposes only. After spay/neuter, the cat(s) must be returned to the location where they were caught. Traps may not to be used to move cats to another location.
I will plan ahead so a cat spends as little time as possible in the trap before transport to the spay/neuter appointment.
I will ensure a cat never spends more than 24 hours in a trap before transport to the spay/neuter appointment, and that trapped cats are kept under appropriate shelter from weather (sun, rain, etc.). with food and water.
If an animal is accidentally trapped that does not qualify for TSNIP's program, such as a cat known to be owned by someone, a cat with an ear already tipped or wildlife, I must release it immediately at the same location.
I release TSNIP from any liability for any injuries or damage that may be incurred through the use of borrowed traps, including but not limited to trapping, confinement, transportation, or release.
I understand that once I trap this cat the chances of trapping it again are slim.
Additional information or questions about borrowing traps for the Program Coordinator:
I understand that my full name typed below acts as my signature on this agreement.
First Name
Last Name
Date signed